Jane Addams Essay “Why WOmen Should Vote“ publish in Ladies Home Journal 1910.

Jane Addams Essay “Why WOmen Should Vote“ publish in Ladies Home Journal 1910.

Jane Addams, seated in back on the right of the image, demonstrates with REPUBLICAN convention delegates during the 1912 Republican Party convention in chicago. The banner on the car reads, “VOtes for women“

Jane Addams, seated in back on the right of the image, demonstrates with REPUBLICAN convention delegates during the 1912 Republican Party convention in chicago. The banner on the car reads, “VOtes for women“

Ida B. Wells Barnett marching in washington D.C. suffrage parade, 1913.

Ida B. Wells Barnett marching in washington D.C. suffrage parade, 1913.

We asked our guests: why should women vote in 2020?

Jane Addams Hull-House Museum has partnered with Gail Borden Public Library District and Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) to pilot new virtual tours, both guided and self-guided. Click for preview of the self-guided tour of the exhibition Why Women Should Vote.

2020 Suffrage Centennial Virtual Public Programs